OH MY GOODNES!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEFF IS MARRIED!!!!!!!! HOLY COW OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS! That's crazy! Congratulations Bro!!!!!!!!!! that's awesome. I just showed my whole district the pictures of your wedding hahahaha. it's crazy. I can't believe you'r married. that's..... not cool. should've waited hahaha. just kidding. all goods!!!! Zao Sheng guizi. Yong yu ai he! Bai Tou xie lao! :) hahaha. I can't believe it. I was supposed to tell you somet hings, but then I ddecided against it because I forgot.
I'm still BLOWN! that's crazy! Jeff is married. Oh well. Kara! welcome to the family!!! :) we're weird.
Alright! Back at the ranch, we're all doing pretty well. we don't ahve too much time today because I was looking at all those pictures :) ahhahaha. I can't believe it. oh my goodness. well. this week, we had to email the church office the pictures of all our baptisms and BAM! I spent a long time trying to attach all these photos and it was a mess and it took forever hahaha. anyway. that was a good start to the christams season.
we went to brother and sister munro's house for lunch on sunday. The car in the back is the one I drive :) that MASSIVE Van! yeah. we call it either Teancum, or the MAV aka. Mormon Assault Vehicle. We can fit ten missionarires in that thing. YEH! Brother and Sister Munro are the ones taht went back to utah and visited you all. They're going on a mission in three weeks. From left to right: Elder Johnson is my new companion as well as Elder Allan. I'm follow-up training both of them now. Bro. and sister Munro. The missionaries in the back are Elder Allan (My companion), Elder ladd (Being trained by Elder lee), and Elder Lee is the missionary in the front. It's really hot down here during christmas so brother munro isn't wearing a tie. He usually does, but yeah...
we also had a ward christmas party here in the chaple. They were expecting only 100-150 attendants, but had 200 becasue the missionaries brought 50 people :) ALL ASIAN! so the tables in the middle and the one right here, and one other in the back corner were filled with chinese investigators, members, and missioanries. the bishop told us that he has never seen so many investigators at a single party. Now we just need to go out and baptize all of them.
And then a member here gave us a lot of fruit. This is one of the boxes taht they gave us after we had eaten a lot. There were Six REALLY big mangos, a lot of oranges, passion fruits, and apricots. They were delicious. So we are taken care of here. :) and our flat is really nice too, if you can't tell. The floor is a little bit gross, but it's nice.
and this week, we did service for some of our members because of the christams season. We went to a members house that was moving and helped them take all the trash out. and so this is the place we dumped it all. it's a giant trench with a huge truck with a shovel in the front that jjust keeps going back and forth to dump the trash into different areas and incinerates them. It took a long time to figure out how much we had, but we had over 200 kg of garbage that we need to do. hahah :)
This week, we also worked a lot through members. We had more referals this week than EVER! it was wonderful! we have a sister named wynnie in our ward now, and she's a return missionary from Taiwan. Born in zang hua, and then served in Taipei. She's a fireball fellowship. it's wonderful! She lives with several non-members and we're workign with them now. Cindy and Leon (who we baptized earlier) just moved into that house as well. THey also live with a couple known as Wu Jiating. Brother Wu was baptized back in Taiwan, and within two years became a member of the bishopric. They are a fantastic family! we love working with them. I wish they would let us serve them more.... oh well. we'll just baptize all the people that live in their house.
WOW! I'm still going crazy that Jeff is MARRIED!!!!!! WOAH!!! now I have to say my family has 8 people instead of 7!!! ayaoweiya!!!!!!!!! mmmzaia!!!!!!
okay!!! :) YES!!!! It is definitely alright to skype at 9:30 in the morning on 12-26!!! I will be skyping at that time. I'll have to add you as a friend on skype before I can actually skype you, but we'll definitely figure it out.
I can't even remember all the things that happened this week!!!! We're in a tripanionship. It's GREAT! The sad thing is that Elder johnson's trainer wasn't super good at doing missionary stuff, and so we have to work more with him. But it was good. During the coorelation meetings, He started saying more and contributing more information. Because of his last transfer, where not much actually happened, he was really discouraged, and so now we're working on giving him confidence in his work. we're planning on baptizing this week which will be his first baptism. I hope he will be able to baptize this man. He is the greatest. I LOVE ELDER JOHNSON!!! he's soooo funny hahaha. he's one of those really goofy funny missionaries that just goes around and makes people laugh. he's really good at it too. His sense of humor will definitely help him become a fantastic missionary in the future. I have faith in him.
When we took him tracting for the first time, it was so funny to see his approach to the investigators. Even though last transfer he just tracted the whole time, he wasn't too hot at tracting. but it worked. His smile just makes people happy I guess. The first sentence he says is: "Ni hui shuo putonghua ma?" hahahaha. it shocks the people so much ahhaha. they start to jibber in chinese and he can't understand so I have to either wait for him to say something else or jump in. usually, I let him go for it :) it makes me laugh so much hahahaha. He's a very humble missioanry too. He can take criticism very very very smoothly. that's something I need to definitely learn from him. He's such a great example of humility in listening to the guidance of his leaders and those serving around him.
ok... so I don't think this email will send with the pictures, I need to send it in another email or it will freeze.
Well, I'll talk to you on wednesday!!! :) LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
OH yeah, quick other update: We've got members feeding us all day for the next three days hahahaha. breakfast, lunch and dinner. we're double booked for some of them. hahahaha.it's good.
Bishop is having us over for breakfast on c hristmas, and we're bringing all our members and investigators hopefully.
JEFF!!! YOU"RE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AND BE A GOOD MARRIED MAN!!!!! :) I love when we see awesmoe 90 year old members and they're still in love hahaha. it's good.
DAD is the man! He still looks the exact same age hahahaha. what a shuai ge!
MOM! thanks for everything you do for us! :) I love seeing pictures of all of you. you still look super duper young. I hope people don't mistake me for your husband in the temple again ahha
Sister chen is a FIREBALL in Taiwan!!! oh my goodness. She is going crazy over there in taiwan.
Verina! you are ready for your mission! Go and DO!!!!!! It'll be a sacrifice, but I'm sure you'll be ready to go when it comes time. Go until there's nothing left in the tank, and then go farther. The lord will provide.
JONJON!!! What a shuai ge! hahaha :) You're getting HUGE!!!! man. I need to start working out and stuff or you'll get bigger than me!
Kara.... I'll see you.... later? hahaha :) i'm excited to meet my... sister in law? is that what you call it? oh well.
Love you all! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! See you on wednesday!
Elder Chen
I'm still BLOWN! that's crazy! Jeff is married. Oh well. Kara! welcome to the family!!! :) we're weird.
Alright! Back at the ranch, we're all doing pretty well. we don't ahve too much time today because I was looking at all those pictures :) ahhahaha. I can't believe it. oh my goodness. well. this week, we had to email the church office the pictures of all our baptisms and BAM! I spent a long time trying to attach all these photos and it was a mess and it took forever hahaha. anyway. that was a good start to the christams season.
we went to brother and sister munro's house for lunch on sunday. The car in the back is the one I drive :) that MASSIVE Van! yeah. we call it either Teancum, or the MAV aka. Mormon Assault Vehicle. We can fit ten missionarires in that thing. YEH! Brother and Sister Munro are the ones taht went back to utah and visited you all. They're going on a mission in three weeks. From left to right: Elder Johnson is my new companion as well as Elder Allan. I'm follow-up training both of them now. Bro. and sister Munro. The missionaries in the back are Elder Allan (My companion), Elder ladd (Being trained by Elder lee), and Elder Lee is the missionary in the front. It's really hot down here during christmas so brother munro isn't wearing a tie. He usually does, but yeah...
we also had a ward christmas party here in the chaple. They were expecting only 100-150 attendants, but had 200 becasue the missionaries brought 50 people :) ALL ASIAN! so the tables in the middle and the one right here, and one other in the back corner were filled with chinese investigators, members, and missioanries. the bishop told us that he has never seen so many investigators at a single party. Now we just need to go out and baptize all of them.
And then a member here gave us a lot of fruit. This is one of the boxes taht they gave us after we had eaten a lot. There were Six REALLY big mangos, a lot of oranges, passion fruits, and apricots. They were delicious. So we are taken care of here. :) and our flat is really nice too, if you can't tell. The floor is a little bit gross, but it's nice.
and this week, we did service for some of our members because of the christams season. We went to a members house that was moving and helped them take all the trash out. and so this is the place we dumped it all. it's a giant trench with a huge truck with a shovel in the front that jjust keeps going back and forth to dump the trash into different areas and incinerates them. It took a long time to figure out how much we had, but we had over 200 kg of garbage that we need to do. hahah :)
This week, we also worked a lot through members. We had more referals this week than EVER! it was wonderful! we have a sister named wynnie in our ward now, and she's a return missionary from Taiwan. Born in zang hua, and then served in Taipei. She's a fireball fellowship. it's wonderful! She lives with several non-members and we're workign with them now. Cindy and Leon (who we baptized earlier) just moved into that house as well. THey also live with a couple known as Wu Jiating. Brother Wu was baptized back in Taiwan, and within two years became a member of the bishopric. They are a fantastic family! we love working with them. I wish they would let us serve them more.... oh well. we'll just baptize all the people that live in their house.
WOW! I'm still going crazy that Jeff is MARRIED!!!!!! WOAH!!! now I have to say my family has 8 people instead of 7!!! ayaoweiya!!!!!!!!! mmmzaia!!!!!!
okay!!! :) YES!!!! It is definitely alright to skype at 9:30 in the morning on 12-26!!! I will be skyping at that time. I'll have to add you as a friend on skype before I can actually skype you, but we'll definitely figure it out.
I can't even remember all the things that happened this week!!!! We're in a tripanionship. It's GREAT! The sad thing is that Elder johnson's trainer wasn't super good at doing missionary stuff, and so we have to work more with him. But it was good. During the coorelation meetings, He started saying more and contributing more information. Because of his last transfer, where not much actually happened, he was really discouraged, and so now we're working on giving him confidence in his work. we're planning on baptizing this week which will be his first baptism. I hope he will be able to baptize this man. He is the greatest. I LOVE ELDER JOHNSON!!! he's soooo funny hahaha. he's one of those really goofy funny missionaries that just goes around and makes people laugh. he's really good at it too. His sense of humor will definitely help him become a fantastic missionary in the future. I have faith in him.
When we took him tracting for the first time, it was so funny to see his approach to the investigators. Even though last transfer he just tracted the whole time, he wasn't too hot at tracting. but it worked. His smile just makes people happy I guess. The first sentence he says is: "Ni hui shuo putonghua ma?" hahahaha. it shocks the people so much ahhaha. they start to jibber in chinese and he can't understand so I have to either wait for him to say something else or jump in. usually, I let him go for it :) it makes me laugh so much hahahaha. He's a very humble missioanry too. He can take criticism very very very smoothly. that's something I need to definitely learn from him. He's such a great example of humility in listening to the guidance of his leaders and those serving around him.
ok... so I don't think this email will send with the pictures, I need to send it in another email or it will freeze.
Well, I'll talk to you on wednesday!!! :) LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH yeah, quick other update: We've got members feeding us all day for the next three days hahahaha. breakfast, lunch and dinner. we're double booked for some of them. hahahaha.it's good.
Bishop is having us over for breakfast on c hristmas, and we're bringing all our members and investigators hopefully.
JEFF!!! YOU"RE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAD is the man! He still looks the exact same age hahahaha. what a shuai ge!
MOM! thanks for everything you do for us! :) I love seeing pictures of all of you. you still look super duper young. I hope people don't mistake me for your husband in the temple again ahha
Sister chen is a FIREBALL in Taiwan!!! oh my goodness. She is going crazy over there in taiwan.
Verina! you are ready for your mission! Go and DO!!!!!! It'll be a sacrifice, but I'm sure you'll be ready to go when it comes time. Go until there's nothing left in the tank, and then go farther. The lord will provide.
JONJON!!! What a shuai ge! hahaha :) You're getting HUGE!!!! man. I need to start working out and stuff or you'll get bigger than me!
Kara.... I'll see you.... later? hahaha :) i'm excited to meet my... sister in law? is that what you call it? oh well.
Love you all! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! See you on wednesday!
Elder Chen
Bishop Guy and family on Christmas Breakfast :)
My companieros!
The Taiwanese guys lawn! he doesn't like Jehovah's witnesses

EMP!!!!!! Enthusiasm Makes Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEH!!!!!
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