SOOOO We just got out of the temple and it was a lot of fun! :) hahahaha. I'm not a really big fan of this new style of gmail because there's a pop-up window in the bottom of my screen and I can't download and type at the same time. I can only do one at a atime and so i can't even do anything. PLUS The picture capacity is TINY! I can't even fit too many pictures. :) hahahaha. look at me complain. just kidding. I just want to type and download, but I can't. I guess the message will be shorter because I've gotta send HEAPS of pictures :) we did a lot of stuff this week. I can't even remember where to start :P
First of all. our ward made a dragon to do a dragon dance :P hahahaha. it was funny AS. so they took a cardboard box and a few cerial boxes and started putting it together and made a dragon head :) YEH!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha. it wasn't the prettiest thing in the world and actually kinda looked a bit creepy, but one thing led to another and we made a dragon :) hahahahaha. it was funny. I had one of my investigators film the dragon dance for me and I'm just bouncing around and stuff because I don't know how to do a dragon dance. anyway. you'll have to wait till I get home to see the movie. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world :p hahahahahahahaha. The head was really boring as were the next two people, so Id ecided to try to make it exciting by bouncing around and jumping and swinging. the peopel behind me tried to follow along, but it was too kuazhang, so they ended up going a tiny bit crazy. hahahahaha. :) it was too much fun! HOORAAAAAAH!!! RAWR!
ALSO! last week, on pday, we were playing rugby outside, and then it started raining like the crazies :P hahaha. I couldn't even see where I was going aroundI O.o oh my goodnes. it was too fun. We were all soaking wet and the chiense people were all so scared of the rain. :) yay for being an ABC :)
We also did a last second service project hahahahaha :) it was too much fun. We got a call from our stake president and mission president telling us that we were wanted to go and do a service project at one of the local primary schools :) hahahaha. so we went and got our yellow jackets and VUWALLA!!!!!! there were more yellow jackests than anybody else :) it was really hot and we were all super duper stinky at the end of the service project and so yeah. it was fun. My back kinda hurts from it because we shovelled a lot of dirt and stuff and yeah. :) it was fun. there was a tongan guy there and I decided to ask him how he was in tongan and he was like: WAH Bro! you tongan? bahahaha. moral of the story: I'm too dark and you won't recognize me when i get home :p hahahahaha. TAROOOOO!
OK. so last week, we had this one activity where we had a chinese new year thing and it was SUPER FUUUUNNN!!!!! that is what the dragon dance stuff was for. ANYWAY! we played some games that night and it was the funniest thing in the world. the first game is kinda like musical chairs, except, it's musical hats. you awlk around in a gigantic cirlce with a little hat on your head. when your hat gets taken, you can take the hat off the head of the preson in front of you :P hahaha. it was super duper fun. Bishop was in front of me so I had a secret technique that killed everybody around me :P hahahahah. SO I wouldn't grab a hat until the music stopped :P hahahahah it was too much fun. the person behind me would always die because they couldn't get the hat from me hahaha. I died because bishop wouldn't let me take his hat :) hahahaha. I love bishop. he is the MAN! hahaha. anyway. our investigator KP won. :)
the other game we played at the activity was this one where they play music and when they stop, they have to jump onto this little cardboard island in the middle of the floor. and they're in the shape of flowers hahaha. anyway. it was SOOOO funny. because people were getting very aggressive. I had to duck out early because I realized it wasn't the best game for missionaries to be playing. hahahahaha. when it got to the last island, everybody was pushing each other and falling on each other bahahahahaha. I wish I had taken more pictures of it, but I just ended up video taping it. hahahaha :) YEH our investigator KP was one of hte last ones as well O.o
Well. this week, we also spent SOOOOO much time finding. for some reason though, I kept running into vietnamese people. and they all think I'm filipino!? >_< hahaha. when I'm with an islander companion, they think I'm islander. its fun. at least it makes my teeth look whiter than mostp eople YEH! hahahaha. the sun hnere doesn't agree with many of the asians. we had a member that went down to the gold coast for achinese new year vacation and she came back super duper tan. it was sooo funny. she really wants to be white, but she's super balck now hahahahaha.
This week, I haven't really had to do any trainings so I was able to do more personalized studies and prepare for all the many different investigators that we're gonig to run into hahaha. Also, recently we've been reading the doctrine and covenants as a mission hahaha. it's too much fun. this week, I was reading in D&C 132 which is about marraige.... hahahahahahahahahaha oh no.
Also this week, our investigator keeps asking us the most weird random crazy questions and sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out the actual answer to her questions. last time, she asked us: IN matthew it says
Joseph's father is Jacob, but in Luke, it says that he was sheng-ed by Heli! :) hahahah. she is hyperobservant. anyway. lets see if you know the answer too it :P hahahaha :) JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!
I love you all!!
VERINA IS GOING ON A MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MISS YOU LOTS ALREADY!!!!!! let me know when you get set apart! O.o I'm so sad :'( I won't be able to see baby sister anymore WAH! hahaha. I'm sure you're gonig to smash it in Taizhong. We have a member here that is going back to taizhong soon :) I'll make sure she looks out for you. Also if you see a kid named Amulek You, punch him for me :p hahaha. he got married without even inviting me hahahaha. also, Cindy and leon. the ones we baptized recently are also from taizhong. I don't know if their parents are super keen on them being members though :p hahahaha LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!! AND REMEMBER THIS!!! LAST BIT OF ADVICE BEFORE! (actually, next week, you'll get my email as well) ...................See One, Do One, Teach One. SODOTO!!!!!!!!!!!! :).................
That's what helped me HEAPS!!!! you've got one moment to watch, get ready to do, and then be ready to teach. GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!! :) and always remember D&C64:33, or it might be 33:64.... go look it up. hahahahaLOVE YOU ALLL! hope you have a fantastic day :)
Elder Chen
buddghist temple _ Kung Fu PANDA |
zone picture after rugby in the rain :) |
this is the dragon head :P hahahahahaha |
our service project |
we played rugby in the rain. and it was very wet. I couldn't even look up as we were playing because it was raining soo hard :P
this is the game witht he hats. in front of me is bishop, and in front of him is our investigator KP! :) |
this is the second game we played :) |
and temple dayyyyyyy! :)
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